Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Art base off 360 games & song lyrics

Here's some of my recent Photoshop drawings:
 ^This one was inspired by the song Glory Kingdom by The Number Twelve Looks Like You "I am a man who bathe in tigers blood,
I am a man with daggers in my smile".
 ^This guy (Crom) was my protagonist in Bloodforge XBLA
^This was inspired by Behemoth's arcade game such as Alien Hominid, Castle Crashers & their new game yet to release Battleblock theater. Oh & metal .
I I were in the game Borderlands 2 this is how I would look.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Anti-american outrage

Her's my thought on al this outrage a some stupid movie. This all just go to show you how f*** up humanity is they are outraged by a dumb movie then civilians dying from the war, terrorist attacks and poverty by greedy leaders. You know why because they are used to latter it's been like that so long it's normal, what's not normal is criticizing religion/goverment that is why America is ine of the greatest countries out there example you get a lot  different views, philosophies, comedies that poke fun at religion/politics help build a tolerence so stuff like this doesen't happen here a CNN link to check out

Friday, September 21, 2012

Borderlands 2 review

Hey everyone MrCoolJoeCool here giving my review of Borderlands 2. First off I'm a pretty hardcore   gamer got around 75000 thousand gamerscore for the 360 though I couldn't ever get into RPG except for Mass Effect. I've played borderlands 1 but it bored my brain out but after watching some trailers I gave 2 a chance and I love it! The arty graphics are sweet a real breath of fresh air, the gameplay really improved where you had to shoot and million bullets and they still come at you unfazed in the first one to 100 shot and they stagger when you shoot the, ragdall is great, and the characters mesh perfectly with the story and look not to serious & not overly funny where it takes away from the story.

I give it a 8 out of 10 here is some of my gameplay below. PS - first blog how did i do?